Primary School
Our journey continues in Year 1 through to Year 6, where we lay a strong foundation for development, with a particular focus on fostering creativity, collaboration and wellbeing.

At Astra Academy we follow the globally-renowned British Curriculum which provides a clear framework surrounding the knowledge, skills and abilities that young people would need on their journey to becoming globally educated citizens.
The British Curriculum is divided into blocks of years called ‘Key Stages’ (KS) and students are formally assessed at the end of each Key Stage to see how they compare to the expected attainment levels. The Key Stages provide teachers a clear overview of a student’s academic progress and come up with solutions to help each student achieve their desired academic goals. Primary consists of KS1 (Ages 5 to 7) and KS2 (Ages 7 to 11).
Our Primary years curriculum is broad and balanced with a strong focus on child centered learning. As students mature, the curriculum evolves to become more specialized, but we incorporate inquiry-based learning methodology to analyze, synthesize, and evaluate information or new understandings and encourage higher levels of thinking.
Homework is assigned as an extension of learning to consolidate what has been taught in school. Students should be able to complete homework with minimal parental support and not too much time.
Taking advantage of our spacious green campus, lessons frequently take place outdoors as the weather allows.
Students in Year 1 to Year 6 study the following subjects:
Science (Biology, Chemistry and Physics)
Information Communication Technology (ICT)
Physical Education (PE)
Mandarin Chinese
Thai national students learn five units of Thai per week, while foreign nationals have two lessons in Thai language per week.
All students have one lesson per week of Mandarin Chinese to gain exposure to this increasingly influential language and culture, with optional further studies available through after-school Enrichment lessons.
Every year group has one Wellbeing lesson per week.