Summer School
Students from Year 7 and up prepare for the next step academically with iGCSE and A level exams, while continuing to develop and deepen understanding of their passions and talents and their own wellbeing.

In the British Curriculum, Secondary levels consist of three Key Stages KS), with KS3 (Year 7 to Year 9, ages 11 to 14) and KS4 (Year 10 and Year 11, ages 14 to 16). At pre-university level, students go through KS5 in Year 12 and Year 13 from the ages of 16 to 18, which is also known as Sixth Form.
Astra students sit for the Cambridge iGCSE examinations at the end of Key Stage 4 and Cambridge A Levels at the end of Key Stage 5. Both iGCSE and A Levels are recognised worldwide and offer many opportunities to students when it comes to higher education. In addition, these qualifications are highly regarded by universities and companies in the United Kingdom and the rest of the world.
Astra Secondary students are taught by qualified specialist teachers for every subject, and are challenged to work at higher academic rigour ahead of the oncoming iGCSE exams and beyond to their chosen A-level exams.
Beyond the preparations for these important examinations, we offer a programme of study that builds well-rounded individuals, with opportunities to develop passions in arts (visual and expressive), music, sport and core skills of core skills of critical thinking, problem solving, public speaking, professional writing, collaboration, leadership, career planning, upskilling and intercultural fluency.